Sunday, October 30, 2011

Our Religion.Our Hearts.Our Lives.

There are many religions in our world nowadays.
All of that refer to the one and only fact;
There are God.
As for me,a proud Muslim.
There is only one god;
And He is Allah s.w.t.
Religion plays a part in our lives,
It restricts us from the bad part,and asks us to do the good.
As a muslim,we were asked to always put good,to always strive for the greater good.
a blog,that not focuses on Islam,but still,it is a very good writing.
I'm reccomending it because i think it contain information.
And oh,i also found a site which focuses on the Al-Quran,its hadis and everything.
For everyone who has doubts or questions running through their mind.
You should check it out.
Peace y'all.

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